Monday, August 26, 2019

Simone Luzzatto

New bi-lingual editions of two works by the seventeenth-century Venetian rabbi, Simone Luzzatto, have just been published by De Gruyter as part of the series Studies and Texts in Scepticism. These works offer a blend of Judaism, skepticism, and political thought. Both books are open access.

Discourse on the State of the Jews. Ed. and trans. by Giuseppe Veltri and Anna Lissa. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.

Socrates, or on Human Knowledge. Ed. and trans. by Giuseppe Veltri and Michela Torbidoni. Berlin, & Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Issue 9.3 of IJSS

Issue 9.3 of the International Journal for the Study of Skepticism has just been published. It is a special issue, “Epistemic Vice and Forms of Scepticism,” with contributions by Yuval Avnur, Genia Schönbaumsfeld, Adam Carter, Pierre Le Morvan, and Aidan McGlynn. It can be accessed here.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Ancient Skepticism and Modern Fiction

The latest issue of the Italian journal Elenchos includes a paper on ancient skepticism: 

John Christian Laursen, “Ancient Skepticism and Modern Fiction: Some Political Implications,” Elenchos 40 (2019): 199-215. 

It can be found here.